Tallinn Health Care College

Subject 'Health Care and Social System in Estonia'

Name in Estonian: Health Care and Social System in Estonia (Eesti tervishoiu- ja sotsiaalsüsteem)

Year:   2017/2018    2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    2021/2022    

State codeVAETS12
Study languageEnglish
Credit points 3 ECTS
Grading method Nondistinctive

Study outcome

In passing the health care management subject the student:
Has knowledge about organizational structure and management of Estonian healthcare system
Has knowledge about Estonian healthcare financing and expenditure
Has knowledge about different healthcare and nursing care services in Estonia
Has knowledge about health care reforms in Estonia
Has knowledge and can analyse the factors influencing health condition
Can describe and analyse the differences between Estonian and home country`s healthcare system

Is taught in following curricula

2020: MB*  
2019: MB*  
2018: MB*  
2017: MB*  
2016: MB*  
2015: MB*  
2014: MB*  
2013: MB*  
* Optional subject