Tallinn Health Care College

Subject 'Intercultural Communication'

Name in Estonian: Intercultural Communication

Year:   2017/2018    2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    2021/2022    

State codeVAIC14
Study languageEnglish
ChairChair of Midwifery
Credit points 4 ECTS
Grading method Nondistinctive


To give an overview of different cultures, cultural theories and appropriate intercultural communication.

Study outcome

1.Knows different theories of culture (G. Hoefstede, S. van Hook, R. Lewis, K.Oberg, J. Demorgon, M. Molz’s discussion of culture etc.).
2.Has an overview of different cultures and knows how to behave with representatives of other cultures.
3.Knows how to introduce one’s own culture (history, traditions, religion, cuisine, family, health, usual behavior etc.). Evaluated through an independent work.

Is taught in following curricula

2020: MB*  Ä*  
2019: MB*  VB*  
2018: MB*  VB*  
2017: MB*  VB*  
2016: MB*  
2014: MB*  
2013: Õt*  Õtro*  
2012: HT*  TE*  
2011: HT*  OP*  TT*  
2010: Ä*  
* Optional subject